FORtran lib for Comp. Env. Sys.
No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 mo_anneal.f90Anneal optimization of cost function.
 mo_append.f90Append values on existing arrays.
 mo_boxcox.f90Box-Cox transformation of data.
 mo_cli.f90Module to parse command line arguments.
 mo_constants.f90Provides computational, mathematical, physical, and file constants.
 mo_corr.f90Provides autocorrelation function calculations.
 mo_cost.f90Added for testing purposes of test_mo_anneal.
 mo_datetime.f90Types to deal with datetimes.
 mo_dds.F90Dynamically Dimensioned Search (DDS)
 mo_eckhardt_filter.f90Eckhardt filter for baseflow index calculation.
 mo_errormeasures.f90Calculation of error measures.
 mo_forces_info.F90module with information about FORCES
 mo_integrate.f90Provides integration routines.
 mo_io.f90File reading routines.
 mo_julian.f90Julian date conversion routines.
 mo_kernel.f90Module for kernel regression and kernel density estimation.
 mo_kind.F90Define number representations.
 mo_likelihood.f90Added for testing purposes of test_mo_mcmc.
 mo_linfit.f90Fitting a straight line.
 mo_logging.F90Module providing a logging framework.
 mo_mad.f90Median absolute deviation test.
 mo_mcmc.F90Monte Carlo Markov Chain sampling.
 mo_message.F90Write out concatenated strings.
 mo_moment.f90Statistical moments.
 mo_ncread.f90Reading netcdf files.
 mo_ncwrite.f90Writing netcdf files.
 mo_nelmin.f90Nelder-Mead algorithm.
 mo_netcdf.f90NetCDF Fortran 90 interface wrapper.
 mo_nml.f90Deal with namelist files.
 mo_opt_functions.f90Added for testing purposes of test_mo_sce, test_mo_dds, test_mo_mcmc.
 mo_optimization_types.f90Type definitions for optimization routines.
 mo_optimization_utils.f90Utility functions, such as interface definitions, for optimization routines.
 mo_orderpack.f90Sort and ranking routines.
 mo_os.F90Path and directory management.
 mo_percentile.f90Median and percentiles.
 mo_poly.f90Polygon calculations.
 mo_sce.F90Shuffled Complex Evolution optimization algorithm.
 mo_sentinel.f90Module to handle sentinels.
 mo_spatialsimilarity.f90Routines for bias insensitive comparison of spatial patterns.
 mo_standard_score.f90Routines for calculating the normalization (anomaly)/standard score/z score and the deseasonalized (standard score on monthly basis) values of a time series.
 mo_string_utils.f90String utilities.
 mo_temporal_aggregation.f90Temporal aggregation for time series (averaging)
 mo_timer.f90Timing routines.
 mo_utils.F90General utilities for the CHS library.
 mo_xor4096.f90XOR4096-based random number generator.