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1!> \file mo_cli.f90
2!> \brief \copybrief mo_cli
3!> \details \copydetails mo_cli
5!> \brief Module to parse command line arguments.
6!> \version 0.1
7!> \authors Sebastian Mueller
8!> \date May 2021
9!> \details A simple parser for command line arguments.
10!! You can define options and then parse the given command.
11!! Option can be with or without passed values and they can be set
12!! as required.
14!! The following example demonstrates the functionality:
15!! \code{.f90}
16!! program main
17!! use mo_cli, only: cli_parser
18!! implicit none
19!! type(cli_parser) :: parser
21!! parser = cli_parser( &
22!! description="This program has a CLI.", &
23!! add_version_option=.true., version="1.3")
24!! call parser%add_option( &
25!! "cwd", &
26!! blank=.true., &
27!! required=.true., &
28!! help="The working directory.")
29!! call parser%add_option( &
30!! name="file", &
31!! s_name="f", &
32!! has_value=.true., &
33!! value_name="path", &
34!! default="none", &
35!! help="Your file path.")
36!! call parser%add_option("opt", help="A switch")
38!! call parser%parse()
40!! print*, "file: ", parser%option_value("file")
41!! print*, "dir: ", parser%option_value("cwd")
42!! print*, "opt: ", parser%option_was_read("opt")
44!! end program main
45!! \endcode
46!! You can call the program with:
47!! \code{.sh}
48!! $ ./prog --opt -f file.txt /dir/
49!! file: file.txt
50!! dir: /dir/
51!! opt: T
52!! \endcode
53!! As you see, you can automatically create help and version options:
54!! \code{.sh}
55!! $ ./prog -h
56!! $ ./prog -V
57!! \endcode
58!> \copyright Copyright 2005-\today, the CHS Developers, Sabine Attinger: All rights reserved.
59!! FORCES is released under the LGPLv3+ license \license_note
60module mo_cli
62 use mo_kind, only: i4
65 implicit none
67 private
69 !> \class option
70 !> \brief This is a container for a single command line option.
71 type, public :: option
72 character(:), allocatable :: help !< description of the option
73 character(:), allocatable :: name !< long name (will be double hyphenated: --opt)
74 character(1) :: s_name = "" !< short name (will be hyphenated: -o)
75 logical :: has_s_name = .false. !< whether the option has a short name
76 logical :: required = .false. !< whether the option is required
77 logical :: blank = .false. !< whether the option is passed blank without hyphenated name (only latter one possible)
78 logical :: was_read = .false. !< whether the option was read from command line
79 logical :: has_value = .false. !< whether the option has a value
80 logical :: has_default = .false. !< whether the option has a default value
81 logical :: repeated = .false. !< whether the option can be read repeatedly
82 integer(i4) :: read_count = 0_i4 !< number of reads (-ooo)
83 character(:), allocatable :: value !< value of the option (if has one)
84 character(:), allocatable :: value_name !< name of the value for the help text (default "value")
85 character(:), allocatable :: default !< default value of the option (if has one)
86 contains
87 !> \copydoc mo_cli::print_info
88 procedure :: print_info !< \see mo_cli::print_info
89 !> \copydoc mo_cli::is_given_arg
90 procedure :: is_given_arg !< \see mo_cli::is_given_arg
91 end type option
93 interface option
94 procedure new_option
95 end interface option
97 !> \class cli_parser
98 !> \brief This is a parser for command line arguments.
99 !> \details \copydetails mo_cli
100 type, public :: cli_parser
101 character(:), allocatable :: prog !< Program name (default will be arg(0)).
102 character(:), allocatable :: description !< help text for the cli
103 character(:), allocatable :: version !< Program version
104 logical :: has_help = .true. !< whether the parser cares about the help text (--help / -h)
105 logical :: has_version = .false. !< whether the parser cares about the version text (--version / -V)
106 logical :: has_blank_option = .false. !< whether the parser has a blank option.
107 logical :: has_logger = .false. !< whether the parser should setup the logger.
108 type(option), dimension(:), allocatable :: options !< defined options
109 contains
110 !> \copydoc mo_cli::add_option
111 procedure :: add_option !< \see mo_cli::add_option
112 !> \copydoc mo_cli::get_option
113 procedure :: get_option !< \see mo_cli::get_option
114 !> \copydoc mo_cli::get_option_index
115 procedure :: get_option_index !< \see mo_cli::get_option_index
116 !> \copydoc mo_cli::cnt_options
117 procedure :: cnt_options !< \see mo_cli::cnt_options
118 !> \copydoc mo_cli::option_was_read
119 procedure :: option_was_read !< \see mo_cli::option_was_read
120 !> \copydoc mo_cli::option_read_count
121 procedure :: option_read_count !< \see mo_cli::option_read_count
122 !> \copydoc mo_cli::has_option
123 procedure :: has_option !< \see mo_cli::has_option
124 !> \copydoc mo_cli::get_blank_option_index
125 procedure :: get_blank_option_index !< \see mo_cli::get_blank_option_index
126 !> \copydoc mo_cli::option_value
127 procedure :: option_value !< \see mo_cli::option_value
128 !> \copydoc mo_cli::print_help
129 procedure :: print_help !< \see mo_cli::print_help
130 !> \copydoc mo_cli::parse
131 procedure :: parse !< \see mo_cli::parse
132 end type cli_parser
134 interface cli_parser
135 procedure new_cli_parser
136 end interface cli_parser
140 !> \brief Create a new \ref cli_parser.
141 !> \return The new \ref cli_parser.
142 type(cli_parser) function new_cli_parser(prog, description, add_help_option, add_version_option, version, add_logger_options)
143 use mo_os, only: path_split
144 implicit none
145 character(*), optional, intent(in) :: prog !< Program name (default will be arg(0))
146 character(*), optional, intent(in) :: description !< help text for the cli
147 logical, optional, intent(in) :: add_help_option !< whether to add a help option (--help, -h)
148 logical, optional, intent(in) :: add_version_option !< whether to add a version option (--version, -V)
149 character(*), optional, intent(in) :: version !< Program version
150 logical, optional, intent(in) :: add_logger_options !< whether to add a logger options (--verbose, --quite, ...)
152 integer(i4) :: n
153 character(:), allocatable :: arg, prog_
155 allocate(new_cli_parser%options(0))
157 if (present(prog)) then
158 new_cli_parser%prog = prog
159 else
160 call get_command_argument(0, length=n)
161 allocate(character(n) :: arg, prog_)
162 call get_command_argument(0, value=arg)
163 call path_split(arg, tail=prog_)
164 new_cli_parser%prog = trim(prog_)
165 end if
167 new_cli_parser%description = "Command line options."
168 if (present(description)) new_cli_parser%description = description
169 if (present(add_help_option)) new_cli_parser%has_help = add_help_option
170 if (present(add_version_option)) new_cli_parser%has_version = add_version_option
171 if (present(add_logger_options)) new_cli_parser%has_logger = add_logger_options
173 if (new_cli_parser%has_help) call new_cli_parser%add_option( &
174 name="help", s_name="h", help="Print this help message.")
176 if (new_cli_parser%has_version .and. (.not. present(version))) &
177 call error_message("cli_parser: when adding the version option, you need to provide a version")
178 if (new_cli_parser%has_version) call new_cli_parser%add_option( &
179 name="version", s_name="V", help="Print the version of the program.")
180 new_cli_parser%version = ""
181 if (present(version)) new_cli_parser%version = version
182 ! add logging options
183 if (new_cli_parser%has_logger) then
184 call new_cli_parser%add_option( &
185 name="verbose", s_name="v", repeated=.true., help="Increase logging verbosity level.")
186 call new_cli_parser%add_option( &
187 name="quiet", s_name="q", repeated=.true., help="Decrease logging verbosity level.")
188 call new_cli_parser%add_option( &
189 name="log-output-hostname", help="Output hostname while logging.")
190 call new_cli_parser%add_option( &
191 name="log-force-colors", help="Forces colors for the logger.")
192 call new_cli_parser%add_option( &
193 name="log-no-colors", help="Disable colors while logging.")
194 call new_cli_parser%add_option( &
195 name="log-no-format", help="Disable formatting while logging.")
196 call new_cli_parser%add_option( &
197 name="log-output-date", help="Output date while logging.")
198 call new_cli_parser%add_option( &
199 name="log-output-time", help="Output time while logging.")
200 end if
201 end function new_cli_parser
203 !> \brief Create a new \ref option.
204 !> \return The new \ref option.
205 type(option) function new_option(name, s_name, help, has_value, value_name, default, required, blank, repeated)
206 implicit none
207 character(*), intent(in) :: name !< long name (will be double hyphenated: --opt)
208 character(1), optional, intent(in) :: s_name !< short name (will be hyphenated: -o)
209 character(*), optional, intent(in) :: help !< description of the option
210 logical, optional, intent(in) :: has_value !< whether the option has a value
211 character(*), optional, intent(in) :: value_name !< name of the value for the help text (default "value")
212 character(*), optional, intent(in) :: default !< default value for this option
213 logical, optional, intent(in) :: required !< whether the option is required
214 logical, optional, intent(in) :: blank !< whether the option is passed blank without hyphenated name (only latter one possible)
215 logical, optional, intent(in) :: repeated !< whether the option can be read repeatedly
217 new_option%help = "No description"
218 if (present(help)) new_option%help = help
220 if (len(name) <= 1_i4) &
221 call error_message("option: long-name needs at least 2 characters: " // name)
222 new_option%name = name
224 new_option%has_s_name = present(s_name)
225 if (new_option%has_s_name) new_option%s_name = s_name
226 if (new_option%has_s_name .and. (new_option%s_name == " ")) &
227 call error_message("option: short name needs to be non empty: " // name)
229 if (present(required)) new_option%required = required
230 if (present(blank)) new_option%blank = blank
231 if (present(has_value)) then
232 new_option%has_value = has_value
233 if ((.not. new_option%has_value) .and. new_option%blank) &
234 call error_message("option: blank option needs a value: " // name)
235 else
236 new_option%has_value = new_option%blank
237 end if
239 new_option%value = ""
240 new_option%value_name = ""
241 new_option%default = ""
242 if (new_option%has_value) then
243 new_option%value_name = "value"
244 if (present(value_name)) new_option%value_name = value_name
245 if ((.not. present(value_name)) .and. new_option%blank) new_option%value_name = name
246 new_option%has_default = present(default)
247 if (new_option%has_default) new_option%default = default
248 end if
250 if ((.not. new_option%has_value) .and. new_option%required) &
251 call error_message("option: option without value can't be required: " // name)
253 if (new_option%has_value .and. new_option%has_default .and. new_option%required) &
254 call error_message("option: option with defined default value can't be required: " // name)
256 if (present(repeated)) new_option%repeated = repeated
257 if (new_option%repeated .and. new_option%has_value) &
258 call error_message("option: repeatedly readable options shouldn't expect a value: " // name)
260 end function new_option
262 !> \brief Add a new \ref option to the \ref cli_parser.
263 subroutine add_option(self, name, s_name, help, has_value, value_name, default, required, blank, repeated)
264 implicit none
265 class(cli_parser), intent(inout) :: self
266 character(*), intent(in) :: name !< long name (will be double hyphenated: --opt)
267 character(1), optional, intent(in) :: s_name !< short name (will be hyphenated: -o)
268 character(*), optional, intent(in) :: help !< description of the option
269 logical, optional, intent(in) :: has_value !< whether the option has a value
270 character(*), optional, intent(in) :: value_name !< name of the value for the help text (default "value")
271 character(*), optional, intent(in) :: default !< default value for this option
272 logical, optional, intent(in) :: required !< whether the option is required
273 logical, optional, intent(in) :: blank !< whether the option is passed blank without hyphenated name (only latter one possible)
274 logical, optional, intent(in) :: repeated !< whether the option can be read repeatedly
276 type(option), dimension(size(self%options)) :: tmp_options
277 type(option) :: added_option
278 integer(i4) :: i
280 added_option = option(name, s_name, help, has_value, value_name, default, required, blank, repeated)
281 if (added_option%blank .and. self%has_blank_option) then
282 call error_message("cli_parser%add_option: only one blank option possible: " // name)
283 else if (added_option%blank) then
284 self%has_blank_option = .true.
285 end if
287 tmp_options = self%options
288 do i = 1, size(tmp_options)
289 if (tmp_options(i)%name == added_option%name) &
290 call error_message("cli_parser%add_option: name already present: " // added_option%name)
291 if (tmp_options(i)%has_s_name .and. added_option%has_s_name &
292 .and. (tmp_options(i)%s_name == added_option%s_name)) &
293 call error_message("cli_parser%add_option: short name already present: " // added_option%s_name)
294 end do
296 deallocate(self%options)
297 allocate(self%options(size(tmp_options) + 1))
298 self%options(1:size(tmp_options)) = tmp_options
299 self%options(size(tmp_options) + 1) = added_option
301 end subroutine add_option
303 !> \brief Get \ref option count from the \ref cli_parser.
304 !> \return Option count.
305 integer(i4) function cnt_options(self)
306 implicit none
307 class(cli_parser), intent(inout) :: self
309 cnt_options = size(self%options)
311 end function cnt_options
313 !> \brief check if this \ref option is the given argument.
314 !> \return Truth value if the given argument is this \ref option.
315 logical function is_given_arg(self, arg)
316 implicit none
317 class(option), intent(inout) :: self
318 character(*), intent(in) :: arg
320 is_given_arg = (arg == "--" // self%name) .or. (arg == "-" // self%s_name)
322 end function is_given_arg
324 !> \brief Get the \ref option index from \ref cli_parser by name.
325 !> \return The desired \ref option index.
326 integer(i4) function get_option_index(self, name, long, short, raise_error)
327 implicit none
328 class(cli_parser), intent(inout) :: self
329 character(*), intent(in) :: name !< name of the desired option
330 logical, intent(in), optional :: long !< whether to check long name (default: .true.)
331 logical, intent(in), optional :: short !< whether to check short name (default: .true.)
332 logical, intent(in), optional :: raise_error !< whether to raise an error if option is not found (default: .true.)
334 integer(i4) :: i
335 logical :: raise_error_, long_, short_
337 raise_error_ = .true.
338 long_ = .true.
339 short_ = .true.
340 if ( present(raise_error) ) raise_error_ = raise_error
341 if ( present(long) ) long_ = long
342 if ( present(short) ) short_ = short
344 ! find the corresponding argument
345 get_option_index = 0_i4
346 do i = 1, self%cnt_options()
347 if ((long_ .and. self%options(i)%name == name) .or. (short_ .and. self%options(i)%s_name == name)) then
349 exit
350 end if
351 end do
353 if (get_option_index == 0_i4 .and. raise_error_) call error_message("cli_parser: unknown option: " // name)
355 end function get_option_index
357 !> \brief Get an \ref option from \ref cli_parser by name.
358 !> \return The desired \ref option.
359 type(option) function get_option(self, name)
360 implicit none
361 class(cli_parser), intent(inout) :: self
362 character(*), intent(in) :: name !< name (long or short) of the desired option
364 integer(i4) :: i
366 i = self%get_option_index(name)
367 get_option = self%options(i)
369 end function get_option
371 !> \brief Whether the \ref option was read by the \ref cli_parser given by name.
372 !> \return Truth value if the given \ref option was read.
373 logical function option_was_read(self, name)
374 implicit none
375 class(cli_parser), intent(inout) :: self
376 character(*), intent(in) :: name !< name of the desired option
378 type(option) :: opt
380 opt = self%get_option(name)
381 option_was_read = opt%was_read
383 end function option_was_read
385 !> \brief Read count for the \ref option in the \ref cli_parser given by name.
386 !> \return Number of reads for the \ref option.
387 integer(i4) function option_read_count(self, name)
388 implicit none
389 class(cli_parser), intent(inout) :: self
390 character(*), intent(in) :: name !< name of the desired option
392 type(option) :: opt
394 opt = self%get_option(name)
395 option_read_count = opt%read_count
397 end function option_read_count
399 !> \brief Whether the \ref option is defined in \ref cli_parser given by name.
400 !> \return Truth value if the given \ref option was defined.
401 logical function has_option(self, name)
402 implicit none
403 class(cli_parser), intent(inout) :: self
404 character(*), intent(in) :: name !< name of the desired option
406 has_option = self%get_option_index(name, raise_error=.false.) > 0
408 end function has_option
410 !> \brief Get the index of the blank \ref option.
411 !> \return The desired \ref option index.
412 integer(i4) function get_blank_option_index(self)
413 implicit none
414 class(cli_parser), intent(inout) :: self
416 integer(i4) :: i
418 if (.not. self%has_blank_option) &
419 call error_message("cli_parser%get_blank_option_index: no blank option defined.")
421 ! find the corresponding argument
422 do i = 1, self%cnt_options()
423 if (self%options(i)%blank) then
425 exit
426 end if
427 end do
429 end function get_blank_option_index
431 !> \brief Get the parsed value from an \ref option by name from the \ref cli_parser.
432 !> \return Value of the given \ref option.
433 function option_value(self, name)
434 implicit none
435 class(cli_parser), intent(inout) :: self
436 character(*), intent(in) :: name !< name of the desired option
438 character(:), allocatable :: option_value
439 type(option) :: opt
441 opt = self%get_option(name)
442 if (.not. opt%has_value) &
443 call error_message("cli_parser%option_value: option has no value: " // name)
444 option_value = opt%value
446 end function option_value
448 !> \brief Print info for an \ref option.
449 subroutine print_info(self)
450 implicit none
451 class(option), intent(inout) :: self
453 character(:), allocatable :: opt_str
455 ! default values
456 opt_str = ""
457 if (self%blank) then
458 opt_str = " <" // self%value_name // ">"
459 else
460 opt_str = " --" // self%name
461 if (self%has_s_name) opt_str = opt_str // " / -" // self%s_name
462 if (self%has_value) opt_str = opt_str // " <" // self%value_name // ">"
463 end if
465 call message(opt_str)
466 call message(" Description: ", self%help)
467 if (self%has_default) call message(" Default: ", self%default)
468 if (self%repeated) call message(" Can be repeated.")
469 if (self%required) call message(" (required)")
471 end subroutine print_info
473 !> \brief Print help message for the \ref cli_parser.
474 subroutine print_help(self)
475 implicit none
476 class(cli_parser), intent(inout) :: self
478 integer(i4) :: i
479 character(:), allocatable :: blank_str
481 blank_str = ""
482 if (self%has_blank_option) blank_str = " <" // self%options(self%get_blank_option_index())%value_name // ">"
484 call message(self%description)
485 call message("")
486 call message(" Usage: ", self%prog, " [options]", blank_str)
487 call message("")
488 call message("Options:")
490 ! blank option
491 if (self%has_blank_option) call self%options(self%get_blank_option_index())%print_info
493 ! required
494 do i = 1, self%cnt_options()
495 if ((.not. self%options(i)%required) .or. self%options(i)%blank) cycle
496 call message("")
497 call self%options(i)%print_info
498 end do
500 ! optional
501 do i = 1, self%cnt_options()
502 if (self%options(i)%required .or. self%options(i)%blank) cycle
503 call message("")
504 call self%options(i)%print_info
505 end do
507 end subroutine print_help
509 !> \brief Parse the given command line arguments with the \ref cli_parser.
510 subroutine parse(self)
511 use mo_logging, only: log_set_config
512 implicit none
513 class(cli_parser), intent(inout) :: self
515 logical :: is_multi, long
516 integer(i4) :: i, j, id, n
517 character(:), allocatable :: arg, val, err_name, names(:)
518 integer(i4), allocatable :: counts(:)
520 i = 1_i4
521 arg_loop: do while (i <= command_argument_count())
522 call get_command_argument(i, length=n)
523 if (allocated(arg)) deallocate(arg)
524 allocate(character(n) :: arg)
525 call get_command_argument(i, value=arg)
526 ! arguments need to start with "-"
527 if (.not. arg(1:1) == "-") then
528 if (self%has_blank_option .and. i == command_argument_count()) then
529 self%options(self%get_blank_option_index())%was_read = .true.
530 self%options(self%get_blank_option_index())%value = arg
531 exit arg_loop
532 else
533 call error_message("cli_parser%parse: unknown argument: " // arg)
534 end if
535 end if
536 ! check for repeated values with short name (-ooo)
537 call parse_arg(arg, names, counts)
538 long = arg(2:2) == "-" ! after parse_arg, we know size(arg) > 1
539 is_multi = sum(counts) > 1
540 do j = 1, size(names)
541 ! will raise an error if option not present
542 id = self%get_option_index(names(j), long=long, short=.not.long)
543 ! check repeatedly read options
544 if ((counts(j) > 1 .or. self%options(id)%was_read) .and. .not.self%options(id)%repeated) &
545 call error_message("cli_parser%parse: option given multiple times: " // self%options(id)%name)
546 ! update read counts
547 self%options(id)%was_read = .true.
548 self%options(id)%read_count = self%options(id)%read_count + counts(j)
549 ! check for value
550 if (self%options(id)%has_value) then
551 if ( is_multi ) &
552 call error_message("cli_parser%parse: option expects a value: " // self%options(id)%name)
553 if (i == command_argument_count()) &
554 call error_message("cli_parser%parse: required value missing for: " // self%options(id)%name)
555 call get_command_argument(i + 1, length=n)
556 if (allocated(val)) deallocate(val)
557 allocate(character(n) :: val)
558 call get_command_argument(i + 1, value=val)
559 self%options(id)%value = val
560 i = i + 1
561 end if
562 end do
563 i = i + 1
564 deallocate(names, counts)
565 end do arg_loop
567 if (self%has_help) then
568 if (self%option_was_read("help")) then
569 call self%print_help()
570 stop
571 end if
572 end if
574 if (self%has_version) then
575 if (self%option_was_read("version")) then
576 call message(self%version)
577 stop
578 end if
579 end if
581 ! check for required parameters after help and version
582 check_req: do j = 1, self%cnt_options()
583 if ((.not. self%options(j)%was_read) .and. self%options(j)%has_default) then
584 self%options(j)%value = self%options(j)%default
585 self%options(j)%was_read = .true.
586 end if
587 if (self%options(j)%required .and. (.not. self%options(j)%was_read)) then
588 if (self%options(j)%blank) then
589 err_name = "<" // self%options(j)%value_name // ">"
590 else
591 err_name = "--" // self%options(j)%name
592 end if
593 call error_message("cli_parser%parse: required option missing: " // err_name)
594 end if
595 end do check_req
597 ! set logger
598 if ( self%has_logger ) then
599 call log_set_config( &
600 verbose = self%option_read_count("verbose"), &
601 quiet = self%option_read_count("quiet"), &
602 log_output_hostname = self%option_was_read("log-output-hostname"), &
603 log_force_colors = self%option_was_read("log-force-colors"), &
604 log_no_colors = self%option_was_read("log-no-colors"), &
605 log_no_format = self%option_was_read("log-no-format"), &
606 log_output_date = self%option_was_read("log-output-date"), &
607 log_output_time = self%option_was_read("log-output-time") &
608 )
609 end if
611 end subroutine parse
613 !> \brief Parse given argument.
614 !> \details Parse a given argument, that starts with an "-", to determine the involved options in case of a multi arg (-xyz).
615 subroutine parse_arg(arg, names, counts)
616 use mo_append, only: append
617 implicit none
618 character(*), intent(in) :: arg
619 character(:), intent(out), allocatable :: names(:) !< names of involved options (can be multiple by using combined short names)
620 integer(i4), intent(out), allocatable :: counts(:) !< counts of occurrences of each option
622 character, allocatable :: s_names(:) ! needed for "append"
623 integer(i4) :: i, j
625 if ( arg(1:1) /= "-" ) call error_message("cli_parser%parse: invalid argument: " // arg)
626 if ( len(arg) < 2 ) call error_message("cli_parser%parse: found empty argument: " // arg)
628 ! check for long name (--name)
629 if ( arg(2:2) == "-" ) then
630 if ( len(arg) == 2 ) call error_message("cli_parser%parse: found empty argument: " // arg)
631 allocate(character(len(arg)-2) :: names(1))
632 names(1) = arg(3:len(arg))
633 call append(counts, 1_i4)
634 return
635 end if
637 call append(s_names, arg(2:2))
638 call append(counts, 1_i4)
639 do i=3, len(arg)
640 ! check if name was already present in this multi option
641 j = findchar(s_names, arg(i:i))
642 if ( j == 0 ) then
643 call append(s_names, arg(i:i))
644 call append(counts, 1_i4)
645 else
646 counts(j) = counts(j) + 1_i4
647 end if
648 end do
649 allocate(character(1) :: names(size(s_names)))
650 names = s_names
651 end subroutine parse_arg
653 integer(i4) function findchar(array, chr)
654 character, intent(in) :: array(:)
655 character, intent(in) :: chr
657 integer(i4) :: i
659 findchar = 0_i4
660 do i = 1, size(array)
661 if (array(i) == chr) then
662 findchar = i
663 return
664 end if
665 end do
667 end function findchar
669end module mo_cli
Append (rows) scalars, vectors, and matrixes onto existing array.
Append values on existing arrays.
Definition mo_append.f90:20
Module to parse command line arguments.
Definition mo_cli.f90:60
character(:) function, allocatable option_value(self, name)
Get the parsed value from an option by name from the cli_parser.
Definition mo_cli.f90:434
type(option) function new_option(name, s_name, help, has_value, value_name, default, required, blank, repeated)
Create a new option.
Definition mo_cli.f90:206
logical function option_was_read(self, name)
Whether the option was read by the cli_parser given by name.
Definition mo_cli.f90:374
subroutine print_info(self)
Print info for an option.
Definition mo_cli.f90:450
subroutine print_help(self)
Print help message for the cli_parser.
Definition mo_cli.f90:475
subroutine parse(self)
Parse the given command line arguments with the cli_parser.
Definition mo_cli.f90:511
integer(i4) function get_blank_option_index(self)
Get the index of the blank option.
Definition mo_cli.f90:413
logical function is_given_arg(self, arg)
check if this option is the given argument.
Definition mo_cli.f90:316
type(option) function get_option(self, name)
Get an option from cli_parser by name.
Definition mo_cli.f90:360
logical function has_option(self, name)
Whether the option is defined in cli_parser given by name.
Definition mo_cli.f90:402
integer(i4) function option_read_count(self, name)
Read count for the option in the cli_parser given by name.
Definition mo_cli.f90:388
integer(i4) function cnt_options(self)
Get option count from the cli_parser.
Definition mo_cli.f90:306
subroutine add_option(self, name, s_name, help, has_value, value_name, default, required, blank, repeated)
Add a new option to the cli_parser.
Definition mo_cli.f90:264
type(cli_parser) function new_cli_parser(prog, description, add_help_option, add_version_option, version, add_logger_options)
Create a new cli_parser.
Definition mo_cli.f90:143
integer(i4) function get_option_index(self, name, long, short, raise_error)
Get the option index from cli_parser by name.
Definition mo_cli.f90:327
subroutine parse_arg(arg, names, counts)
Parse given argument.
Definition mo_cli.f90:616
Define number representations.
Definition mo_kind.F90:17
integer, parameter i4
4 Byte Integer Kind
Definition mo_kind.F90:40
Module providing a logging framework.
subroutine, public log_set_config(verbose, quiet, log_output_hostname, log_force_colors, log_no_colors, log_output_date, log_output_time, log_no_format)
Set logging configuration.
Write out concatenated strings.
subroutine, public error_message(t01, t02, t03, t04, t05, t06, t07, t08, t09, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, uni, advance, show, raise, reset_format)
Write out an error message to stderr and call stop 1.
subroutine, public message(t01, t02, t03, t04, t05, t06, t07, t08, t09, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, uni, advance, show, reset_format)
Write out an error message to stdout.
Path and directory management.
Definition mo_os.F90:16
subroutine, public path_split(path, head, tail)
Splitting the path into head and tail.
Definition mo_os.F90:358
This is a parser for command line arguments.
Definition mo_cli.f90:100
This is a container for a single command line option.
Definition mo_cli.f90:71